Tuesday 16 July 2024

How to Porting Libraries to .NET Standard?

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Changing libraries to.NET Standard can be very helpful in making your code work with different.NET implementations, such Xamarin,.NET Framework, and.NET Core. This tutorial will walk you through the process of converting your current libraries to.NET Standard, emphasizing important factors to take into account and necessary actions.

Describe the.NET Standard

The official specification of.NET APIs known as ".NET Standard" is meant to be compatible with all.NET implementations. Its goal is to make the.NET ecosystem more standardized. Libraries can be utilized without change across various.NET platforms by adhering to the.NET Standard.

Why Port to .NET Standard?
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Libraries targeting .NET Standard can run on any .NET implementation, including .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin, and more.
  • Future-Proofing: .NET Standard represents the future of. NET. Porting now ensures your libraries remain relevant and usable.
  • Code Reusability: You can share the same codebase across multiple platforms, reducing redundancy and maintenance efforts.
Steps to Port Libraries to .NET Standard

1. Assess Compatibility

Before starting the porting process, check if your library's dependencies and APIs are available in .NET Standard. You can use tools like .NET Portability Analyzer to assess compatibility.

2. Choose the Appropriate .NET Standard Version

Select the highest .NET Standard version that your target platforms support. Higher versions include more APIs but have stricter platform requirements. Here is a summary:

  • .NET Standard 1. x: Supports older platforms, fewer APIs.
  • .NET Standard 2.0: Significant increase in available APIs, supported by .NET Core 2.0, .NET Framework 4.6.1, Xamarin, etc.
  • .NET Standard 2.1: Includes more APIs, but not supported by .NET Framework.
3. Create a .NET Standard Project

In Visual Studio, create a new Class Library project targeting .NET Standard:

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project.
  2. Select “Class Library (.NET Standard)” as the project template.
  3. Choose the appropriate .NET Standard version.
4. Migrate Code

Copy the code from your existing library to the new .NET Standard project. During this process, you might need to.

  • Remove or replace unsupported APIs: Some APIs available in the .NET Framework might not be available in .NET Standard. Look for alternatives or conditional compilation.
  • Refactor platform-specific code: Use conditional compilation symbols to separate platform-specific code, for example.
        // .NET Standard code
        // Platform-specific code
5. Update Dependencies

Ensure all your dependencies are compatible with .NET Standard. If a dependency does not support the .NET Standard, look for an alternative or consider contributing to the original project to add support.

6. Test Thoroughly

Testing is crucial to ensure your library works correctly on all target platforms.

  • Unit Tests: Write unit tests and run them on different .NET implementations.
  • Integration Tests: Test the library in real-world scenarios to verify its behavior.
7. Package and Distribute

Once the porting is complete and thoroughly tested, package your library for distribution.

  1. Update the csproj file to include necessary metadata like version, authors, and description.
  2. Use NuGet to create and publish a package.
8. Documentation and Support

Update your library’s documentation to reflect the changes made during the porting process. Clearly mention the supported .NET Standard version and any breaking changes.


Porting your libraries to .NET Standard is a valuable investment, enabling greater compatibility, code reusability, and future-proofing your projects. By following these steps and thoroughly testing your code, you can successfully transition to .NET Standard and take advantage of its benefits across multiple platforms.

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