Best & Cheap PrestaShop Hosting in India with great performance who support PrestaShop is crucial for your web application. There’re thousands of web hosting providers, which offer PrestaShop Hosting in India, but choosing the top PrestaShop hosting is a time consuming task. To make your buying decision easy we’ve the best PrestaShop Hosting providers which are reliable and offer Cheap Windows Hosting so that everyone can afford it.

What’s new?
Here are the meain features of this (long-awaited) new minor version of PrestaShop:-
PrestaTrust, of which we talked about in this post.
This new feature authenticates the code of PrestaTrust-enabled modules
and safely keeps track of license information in the blockchain.
Right-To-Left (RTL) language support. Not only the back office
and the Classic theme are now fully RTL compatible, but we are also
introducing RTL stylesheet generation for front office themes. This
means that any front office theme can now be automagically converted to
be RTL-compatbile. This is extremely important for selling in countries
who speak in RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew or Persian.
A new set of Demo products. A whole new set of demo products that
give PrestaShop a modern face while being friendlier to people from
more conservative cultures, and highlight lesser known features like
product customization.
UI Kit (available in Symfony pages), which was presented a while back in this post.
A new graphic identity for the core… and modules, too! The UI kit
brings a coherent set of reusable components that work the same across
the back office, as well as Bootstrap 4 and jQuery 3.
Symfony migration, which we recently discussed in this post.
Exciting new things are coming to the core in 1.7.3! Three new pages
have been migrated to Symfony (Modules catalog, Performance and System
Information), modules can now access the Symfony service container
(which allows them to declare, use and override services, templates, and
more!) and the debug toolbar has been improved with a hooks section
(which displays in-depth information about the page’s hooks and the
modules attached to them).
Addons Connect + tips
In this new version, the Addons Connect module now installed by default. It is a very important tool because keeping you Addons account connected helps keeping all your shop’s modules up-to-date. In addition, this module displays a weekly tip at the top left side of your back office dashboard. Your business is constantly evolving, and PrestaShop evolves alongside you!
Shipping delivery times
In order to be compliant with European laws, merchants now need to display the estimated delivery date of an item in the Product page. You can either configure a default value for all products your shop, or a separate value for each product. In addition, you can specify a different estimated delivery time when a product is in stock and when it’s out-of-stock with allowed backorders, as well as a custom availability label.Low stock alerts
You can now make PrestaShop send you alerts when a product is low on stock. You can configure the low stock threshold as well as toggling the notification either globally in the Product Settings section or per product.… which brings us to the next step! In the Stock Overview page, products with a quantity under the low stock level are now highlighted. A new quick filter has been added too, which allows you to quickly see products that low on stock by placing them at the top of the list.

Import / Export in the Stock Overview page and low stock alerts
Your shop, your data! Merchants are now able to import or export the information displayed in the Stock Overview page in a CSV file. Why? So that you can work on it with your computer, connect to your own stock managment system… you name it! You just need to click on the blue cloud icons on the right hand side of the screen and you’ll be on your way to the import / export system.
Best & Cheap PrestaShop Hosting in India is the India Leader's Windows hosting provider that offers the most reliable world class Windows hosting solutions for their customers. provides high quality affordable India's Windows hosting services for personal and companies of all sizes. Host your website with an innovative, reliable, and a friendly India's Windows hosting company who cares about your business. Your success is their success, and they do the utmost to help you succeed with your website. They always go the extra mile to satisfy your requirements and it is because of this that their reputation is so good. Their India's Windows servers are fast and reliable; they always use the latest technology. prides in providing web hosting with a rare combination of unmatched reliability, quality and affordability. Heres's the top reasons why their customers choose them as their Professional Windows and PrestaShop Hosting partner.
Tired of waiting for slow, unprofessional and unhelpful support? They certainly were. They hired an army of the very best technicians, managers and web hosting gurus. That means clear, professional support, fast. Their team are standing by to respond to your queries around the clock, big or small, and they’ll be there for you in 24x7, 365 days a year. You can contact them via all standard communication channels - by e-mail, through the ticketing system, or via an online form - should you have any pre-sales questions.
They only use the best servers in the industry. The servers are placed on the data center with world-class facilities, thus ensuring highest performance and reliability. They work tirelessly and around the clock to make sure that your sites stay up, stay fast, and stay supported with the latest in hosting technology.
Tired of waiting for slow, unprofessional and unhelpful support? They certainly were. They hired an army of the very best technicians, managers and web hosting gurus. That means clear, professional support, fast. Their team are standing by to respond to your queries around the clock, big or small, and they’ll be there for you in 24x7, 365 days a year. You can contact them via all standard communication channels - by e-mail, through the ticketing system, or via an online form - should you have any pre-sales questions.
They only use the best servers in the industry. The servers are placed on the data center with world-class facilities, thus ensuring highest performance and reliability. They work tirelessly and around the clock to make sure that your sites stay up, stay fast, and stay supported with the latest in hosting technology.
They have architected its network like no other hosting company. Every facet of their network infrastructure scales to gigabit speeds with no single point of failure. Since they built it ourselves, they made it ideal. They designed the network. They designed the server arrangement from the software to the outer casing.
It goes without saying that your data is important to you, and they take that premise very seriously, they do everything they can to keep your data safe. Recovery becomes easy and seamless with their fully managed backup services. They monitor their server to ensure your data is properly backed up and recoverable so when the time comes, you can easily repair or recover your data. The backup is always ready and available for you.
With their powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for their Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via their Control Panel in 1 minute!
Their top priority to deliver the ultimate customer experience, and they strongly believe that you’ll love their service so much so that if for any reason you’re unhappy in your first 30 days as a customer, you’re more than welcome to request your money back then let them know why you’re unhappy so they can address the problem for their other customers and make their service even better.
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